Aaaaand Boom Goes the Dynamite. - Hallo Friends Of Lyrics Fanatic, This time I will share about the article Aaaaand Boom Goes the Dynamite..

Title Post : Aaaaand Boom Goes the Dynamite.

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Aaaaand Boom Goes the Dynamite.

first things first, pack your shit and get out of here
we're outsiders in a world where nothing is clear
the only thing you need is your suitcase packed up to go
to somewhere i don't really think i wanna know

just walk out of that door
then i'll be better than before
because as soon as you turn the key
i'll be gone
yeah, as soon as i can be
i'll be gone

all the constant questions every day
now i wonder why i had you stay
here for more than the moment that we met
now, today is something special, say
that you don't care, but you still do
what you're told
do you still do what you're told?

BOOM coming from left field
BOOM yeah, i saw it, now i feel
BOOM better than before

Tanks For Reading Article Aaaaand Boom Goes the Dynamite.

Disclaimer : The lyrics Aaaaand Boom Goes the Dynamite. were taken from sources found on google search engine with keywords "Aaaaand Boom Goes the Dynamite." With permalink

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