FLAWES - Speak Up - Hallo Friends Of Lyrics Fanatic, This time I will share about the article FLAWES - Speak Up.

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FLAWES - Speak Up

FLAWES - Speak Up

A fine line if I don't sleep tonight
I found the door but it don't feel too right
You find the time, It comes alive
The feeling dies, The come and goes
The ebb and flows, The I don't knows

Don't look down, Don't look down
Don't look down, Don't look down

Hold that thought tonight, Close no doors, this time
Watch it run its course, what we ignore can't change our minds
Hold that thought tonight, Close no doors, this time
Watch it run its course, what we ignore can't change our minds

The fine line if I see through the night
The common flaws, The "I'm not sure's"
Then slamming doors, Woooooo
But don't look down, Woooooo
Don't look down,

Hold that thought tonight, Close no doors, this time
Watch it run its course, what we ignore can't change our minds
Hold that thought tonight, Close no doors, this time
Watch it run its course, what we ignore can't change our minds

This is a city, coursing round you
Don't Lay down and give up, oh, I'm coursing around you
Don't Lay down and give it up, oh, oh, oh
Don't Lay down and give it up, oh, oh, oh
Don't Lay down and give it up

Hold that thought tonight, Close no doors, this time
Watch it run its course, what we ignore can't change our minds
Hold that thought tonight, Close no doors, this time
Watch it run its course, what we ignore can't change our minds

Tanks For Reading Article FLAWES - Speak Up

Disclaimer : The lyrics FLAWES - Speak Up were taken from sources found on google search engine with keywords "FLAWES - Speak Up" With permalink http://albionbeatnikbookstore.blogspot.com/2016/09/flawes-speak-up.html

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