Title Post : Window Dreams
Window Dreams
there's a ghost that sits on my windowsillno matter what i say, it always stays still
wanting to move, but never an inch
it doesn't have the guts, no, nothing within
what happened to individuality?
it's what unites everybody here today
these words i scream are my only release
if you've got a dream, go get it
if you want to see, then open your eyes
if you've got a heart, let it beat
but not on your sleeve, no not tonight
be cautious of this world child, it tells me
all the things it thinks i want to hear
make mistakes, it's the only way you'll learn
but be aware so you don't repeat them
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Disclaimer : The lyrics Window Dreams were taken from sources found on google search engine with keywords "Window Dreams" With permalink https://albionbeatnikbookstore.blogspot.com/2014/01/window-dreams.html.
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